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We are so grateful for the wonderful team of tutors at Steph's Study Stars. Our children are enrolled in the amazing Pre-K & Kindergarten Prep Program and all we can say is Thank you!

Such an excellent & customized program that has helped our children learn so many skills and feel comfortable and ready for school!


We are so happy with our daughter's experience and progress at Steph's Study Stars.

She has developed great skills. Her Tutor always finds ways to make sure that she feels confident and understands. Steph's Study Stars team has been so supportive and helpful throughout our daughter's journey! We recommend them for all children who are looking for support!


“Sienna has been loving her time with you, she looks forward to seeing you! I have seen progress in her work and also her confidence and I owe that to you THANK YOU for all your hard work, time & patience.”


“Steph! You're an amazing dance teacher and a great role model to all the kids you meet! No doubt you will be an amazing tutor and teacher! Good luck to you”


“Congratulations on this incredible launch”


“I love you Stephanie! Thank you for all you do in helping me learn. I love being with you. You are a great teacher!


“You are a wonderful teacher who constantly shows support, guidance & dedication to your students! You are an amazing person! Wishing you all the best & for all your dreams to come true”


"You are a sweet hardworking girl who will succeed in the future"


Stephanie, We appreciate the extra help and dedication from Paula yesterday. She continues to help our daughter reach her highest goal. It was a very successful and helpful session!


“My daughter has excelled and we have seen tremendous growth and improvement in her grades and learning strategies. We are beyond grateful to Steph’s Study Stars for taking the time and effort to support our daughter and build her confidence to achieve her goals. We recommend Steph’s Study Stars as our #1 choice for tutoring and support!“


 ”Thank you Steph’s Study Stars for preparing and guiding our little one on his journey to Kindergarten. We have been with Steph’s Study Stars from the beginning and we are so happy and thrilled at what our son has achieved so far! Our son loves seeing his tutor each week and looks forward to the lesson plans that are prepared. He enjoys his sessions and always leaves with a smile!”  


“We want to express  many thanks to Stephanie and the team at Steph’s Study Stars for going the extra mile to help our daughter with her reading and writing. Each week our daughter is given undivided attention and guidance at her sessions. Stephanie and the tutors always go the extra mile to make sure that our daughter feels prepared and ready to move onto the next step. We are always being updated and given feedback which makes us feel comfortable knowing our daughter is in good hands. Our little one will be starting the Pre-K program  this month!”


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